Monk E=Elite Skill, Q=Quest Reward, T=Trainer, H=Hero Skills Feb 2nd, 2007
Sorted by Name - Alphabetical:
Location - 1st Time Avail:
  Aegis Enchantment Spell.  For 5-10 seconds, all party Fishermen's Haven  
15e, 2c, 30r members have a 50% chance to block attacks. Ran Musu Gardens T
(Core) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Gate Torment(T) - Lair Forgotten(H) H
  Air of Enchantment Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 4-9 seconds, Eternal Grove -  
5e, 1/4c, 8r Enchantments cast on target other ally cost 5 less Jayne Forestlight E
(Factions) Energy (minimum 1 Energy).  (Attr: Protection Prayers) Silent Surf - Miella Lightwing  
  Amity Elite Hex Spell.  For 8-18 seconds, adjacent foes    
5e, 1/4c, 45r cannot attack. For each foe, Amity ends if that foe takes Perdition Rock - E
(Prophecies) damage.  (Attr: Protection Prayers) Pravus Obsideo  
  Aura of Faith Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 60 seconds, target ally Abaddon's Mouth - Willa  
10e, 1c, 15r gains 24-45% more Health when healed. Ice Floe - Mursaat Monk E
  (Attr: Divine Favor) Ring of Fire - Coventina  
(Prophecies)   Thunderhead Keep-Demetrios  
  Balthazar's Aura Enchantment Spell.  For 8 seconds, foes adjacent to Fisherman's Haven (Q)  
25e, 2c, 25r target ally take 10-22 holy damage each second. (Factions ??) Q
(Core) (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Yohlon Haven (T) - Command Post H
  Balthazar's Pendulum Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 5-17 seconds, the next time Bahdok Caverns -  
5e, 1c, 5r target ally would be knocked down by a foe, that foe is Riseh the Harmless E
(Nightfall) knocked down instead.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers)    
  Balthazar's Spirit Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Beacon's Perch (Q) Q
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, target ally gains adrenaline and Energy "The Deserters"  
  after taking damage.  (The amount of adrenaline gained Lions Arch (T)  
  increases depending on your rank in Smiting Prayers).    
(Prophecies) (Attr:  Smiting Prayers)    
  Bane Signet Signet.  Target foe takes 26-50 holy damage. If that foe PreSearing & Old Ascalon (Q) Q
1c, 20r was attacking, he is knocked down. Monastery Overlook (Q)  
(Core) (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Island of Shehkah (Starter)  
  Banish Spell.  Target foe takes 20-49 holy damage. PreSearing (Q)  
5e, 1c, 10r This Spell does double damage to summoned creatures. Shing Jea Monastery (Q) Q
(Core) (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) Churrhir Fields (Q)  
  Blessed Aura Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Augury Rock (Q)  
-1, 10e,  2c, 2r Enchantment, Monk Enchantments you cast last 10-30% "Ghostly Vengeance" Q
(Prophecies) longer.  (Attr: Divine Favor) Droknar's Forge (T)  
  Blessed Light Elite Spell.  Heal target ally for 10-94 Health and remove Archipelagos -  
10e, 3/4c, 5r one Condition and one Hex. Ssuns, Blessed of Dwayna E
(Factions) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Blessed Signet Signet.  For each Enchantment you are maintaining, you Temple of Ages (Q) Q
2c, 10r gain 3 Energy (maximum 3-20). Kaineng Center (T)  
(Core) (Attr: Divine Favor) Yohlon Haven (T) - Kamadan (H) H
  Boon Signet Elite Signet.  Heal target ally for 5-29 Health. For each Ferndale -  
1c, 5r Enchantment on that ally, you gain 2 Energy. (Maximum Mungri Magicbox E
(Factions) 1-5 Energy).  (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Contemplation of Purity Skill.  Lose all Enchantments. For each one lost, you Silverwood (Q)  
5e, 1/4c, 10r gain 0-64 Health, lose one Hex, and lose one Condition "The Price of Steel" Q
(Prophecies) (maximum 1-7 Hexes and Conditions).  (Attr: Divine Favor) Amnoon Oasis (T)  
  Convert Hexes Spell.  Remove all Hexes from target other ally. For 8-18 Camp Rankor  
15e, 2c, 20r seconds, that ally gains +10 armor for each Necromancer Kaineng Center T
(Core) Hex that was removed.  (Attr: Protection Prayers) Gate of Torment  
  Defender's Zeal Elite Hex Spell.  For 5-21 seconds, whenever target foe hits Domain of Fear -  
5e, 1c, 5r with an attack, you gain 2 Energy. Flame of Fervor E
(Nightfall) (Attr: Smiting Prayers)    
  Deny Hexes Spell.  Remove one Hex from target ally for each   T
5e, 1c, 12r recharging Divine Favor skill you have. Kaineng Center  
(Factions) (No Attribute)    
  Dismiss Condition Spell.  Remove one Condition from target ally. If that ally is    
5e, 3/4c, 3r under the effects of an Enchantment, that ally is healed for Yohlon Haven T
(Nightfall) 15-63 Health.  (Attr: Protection Prayers) Chantry of Secrets H
  Divert Hexes Elite Spell.  Remove up to 1-3 Hexes from target ally. For Alkali Pan -  
10e, 1c, 5r each Hex removed in this way, that ally loses one Amiresh the Pious E
(Nightfall) Condition and gains 15-63 Health.  (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Divine Boon Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Yak's Bend (Q) Q
-1, 5e, 1/4c, 10r Enchantment, whenever you cast a Monk Spell that Seitung Harbor (T)  
  targets an ally, that ally is healed for 15-51 Health, and Kamadan (T)  
(Core) you lose 2 Energy.  (Attr: Divine Favor) Sunspear Great Hall (H) H
  Divine Healing Spell.  Heal yourself and party members in the area for    
10e, 2c, 30r 10-210 points. Port Sledge T
(Prophecies) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Divine Intervention Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, the next time Copperhammer Mines  
5e, 1/4c, 30r target ally receives damage that would be fatal, the Kaineng Center T
  damage is negated and that ally is healed for 26-197 Kodash Bazaar  
(Core) Health.  (Attr: Divine Favor) Kodash Bazaar (H) H
  Divine Spirit Enchantment Spell.  For 1-11 seconds, Monk Spells Beacon's Perch (Q)  
10e, 1/4c, 60r cost you 5 less Energy to cast. (Minimum cost: 1 Energy) "Hungry Devourer" Q
(Prophecies) (Attr: Divine Favor) Lions Arch (T)  
  Draw Conditions Spell.  All negative Conditions are transferred from target Copperhammer Mines (T) Q
5e, 1/4c, 2r other ally to yourself. For each Condition acquired, you Shing Jea Monastery (Q)  
(Core) gain 6-22 Health.  (Attr: Protection Prayers) Gate Torment (T) - Chantry Secrets H
  Dwayna's Kiss Spell.  Heal target other ally for 15-51 Health and an North Kryta (Q)  
5e, 1c, 3r additional 10-30 Health for each Enchantment or Hex on "Graven Images" Q
(Prophecies) that ally.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Quarrel Falls (T)  
  Dwayna's Sorrow Enchantment Spell.  For 30 seconds, target ally and all   T
5e, 1c, 5r nearby allies are Enchanted with Dwayna's Sorrow. If an Seitung Harbor  
  ally dies while under the effects of Dwayna's Sorrow, your    
(Factions) party is healed for 5-41.  (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Empathic Removal Elite Spell.  You and target other ally lose 1 Condition Melandru's Hope -  
5e, 1c, 10r and 1 Hex. Byzzr Wingmender E
(Factions) (No Attribute)    
  Essence Bond Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this    
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, whenever target ally takes physical or Beetletun T
(Prophecies) elemental damage, you gain 1 Energy.  (No Attribute)    
  Ethereal Light Spell.  Target ally is healed for 25-85. This spell is easily   T
5e, 1c, 5r interrupted. Kaineng Center  
(Factions) (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Extinguish Spell.  Remove one Condition from each party member.   T
15e, 1c, 12r Party members relieved of Burning are healed for 10-82 Kaineng Center  
(Factions) Health.  (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Gift of Health Spell.  All of your other Healing Prayer skills are disabled   T
5e, 3/4c, 5r for 10-6 seconds. Target other ally is healed for 15-123 Kaineng Center  
(Factions) Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Glimmer of Light Elite Spell.  Heal target ally for 25-73 Health. Turai's Procession -  
5e, 1/4c, 2r (Attr: Healing Prayers) Chiossen, Soothing Breeze E
  Guardian Enchantment Spell.  For 5 seconds, target ally has a Ascalon City  
5e, 1c, 2r 20-44% chance to block attacks. Seitung Harbor T
(Core) (Attr: Protection Prayers) YohlonHaven(T)-SunspearGreatHal H
  Heal Area Spell.  Heal yourself and all adjacent creatures for 30-150 Old Ascalon (Q)  
10e, 1c, 5r points. "Protecting Ascalon" Q
(Prophecies) (Attr: Healing Prayers) Yak's Bend (T)  
  Heal Other Spell. Heal target other ally for 35-151 Health. North Kryta (Q)  
10e,  3/4c, 3r (Attr: Healing Prayers) "The Ascalon Settlement" Q
(Prophecies)   Quarrel Falls (T)  
  Heal Party Spell.  Heal entire party for 16-67 Health. Old Ascalon (Q) Q
15e, 2c, 2r (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kaineng Center (T)  
(Core)   Kodash Bazaar (T) - CommandPost H
  Healer's Boon Elite Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Resplendent Makuun -  
-1, 5e, 1/4c, 10r Enchantment, your next 10-26 Healing Prayers Spells Josinq the Whisperer E
(Nightfall) cast 50% faster and heal for 50% more Health.  (Attr: Divine)    
  Healer's Covenant Elite Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Domain of Pain -  
-1, 5e, 1/4c, 5r Enchantment, your healing Spells heal for 25% less Health, Bringer of Deceit E
(Nightfall) but cost -1-3 Energy.  (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Healing Breeze Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, target ally gains PreSearing (Q)  
10e, 1c, 2r + 3-8 Health regeneration. Shing Jea Monastery (Q) Q
(Core) (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kamadan (T)  
  Healing Burst Elite Spell.  Target touched ally and all nearby allies are Eternal Grove - The Scar Eater  
5e, 3/4c, 10r healed for 30-126 Health. If more than one ally was Rhea's Crater - E
(Factions) healed, you lose 5 Energy.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Incetol, Devout of Depths  
  Healing Hands Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, whenever    
5e, 1/4c, 25r target ally takes damage, that ally is healed for Perdition Rock - E
(Prophecies) 5-29 Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Rull Browbeater  
  Healing Light Elite Spell.  Heal target ally for 40-88 Health. If your Archipelagos -  
5e, 1c, 4r target has an Enchantment, you gain 1-3 Energy. KaySey Stormray E
(Factions) (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Healing Ring Spell.  Heal adjacent creatures for 30-150 Health.    
5e, 1c, 10r (Attr: Healing Prayers) Gate & Mouth of Torment T
(Nightfall)   Gate of Torment H
  Healing Seed Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, whenever target Druid's Overlook (Q)  
10e, 2c, 25r other ally takes damage, that ally and all adjacent allies Seitung Harbor (T) Q
(Core) gain 3-25 Health. (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kodash Bazaar (T) - CommandPost H
  Healing Touch Spell.  Heal target touched ally for 16-51 Health. Health Heroes' Audience (Q)  
5e, 3/4c, 5r gain from Divine Favor is doubled for this Spell. Sunqua Vale (Q) Q
(Core) (Attr: Healing Prayers) Churrhir Fields (Q)  
  Healing Whisper Spell.  Target other ally is healed for 40-88. This spell   T
5e, 1c, 1r has half the normal range. Ran Musu Gardens  
(Factions) (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Heaven's Delight Spell.  Heal yourself and party members in the area for   T
10e, 2c, 30r 10-210 points. Shing Jea Monastery  
(Factions) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Holy Haste Enchantment Spell.  For 1-48 seconds, your Healing    
10e, 1c, 10r Prayers Spells cast 50% faster. This Enchantment ends if Yohlon Haven T
(Nightfall) you cast another Enchantment.  (Attr: Divine Favor) Kodash Bazaar (H) H
  Holy Strike Skill.  Touched target foe takes 10-46 holy damage. If    
5e, 3/4c, 8r knocked down, your target takes an additional 10-46 holy Ice Tooth Cave T
(Prophecies) damage.  (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) Lions Arch  
  Holy Veil Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Beetletun (Q) Q
-1, 5e, 1c, 12r Enchantment, any Hex cast on target ally takes twice as Kaineng Center (T)  
  long to cast. When Holy Veil ends, one Hex is removed Gate & Mouth of Torment (T)  
(Core) from target ally.  (No Attribute)    
  Holy Wrath Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this    
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage, Capt Greywind - T
  this Spell deals 66% of the damage back to the source North Kryta  
(Prophecies) (maximum of 5-41 damage), and you lose 10 Energy. (Smite)    
  Infuse Health Spell.  Lose half your current Health. Target other ally is Serenity Temple (Q) Q
10e, 1/4c healed for 100-129% of the amount you lost. Kaineng Center (T)  
(Core) (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kodash Bazaar (T) - Lair Forgotten H
  Jamei's Gaze Spell.  Heal target other ally for 35-151 Health.   T
10e, 3/4c, 3r (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kaineng Center  
  Judge's Insight Enchantment Spell.  For 8-18 seconds, target ally's Grendich Courthouse  
10e, 2c, 10r attacks deal holy damage and have +20% armor Kaineng Center T
(Core) penetration.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Kodash Bazaar (T) - Lair Forgotten H
  Judge's Intervention Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, the next time target    
5e, 1/4c, 30r ally receives damage that would be fatal, the damage is Kodash Bazaar T
(Nightfall) negated and one nearby foe takes 30-150 damage.  (Smiting) Chantry of Secrets (H) H
  Karei's Healing Circle Spell.  Heal yourself and all adjacent creatures for 30-150   T
10e, 1c, 5r points. Kaineng Center  
(Factions) (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Kirin's Wrath Spell.  For 5 seconds, foes adjacent to the location in   T
5e, 2c, 30r which the spell was cast take 8-27 holy damage each Shing Jea Monastery  
(Factions) second.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers)    
  Life Attunement Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this Enchantment, North Kryta (Q)  
-1, 10e, 2c target ally deals 30% less damage in combat, but gains "The Last Hog" Q
(Prophecies) 14-43% more Health when healed. (Attr: Protection Prayers) Quarrel Falls (T)  
  Life Barrier Elite Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this    
-1, 15e, 2c, 5r Enchantment, damage dealt to target other ally is Frozen Forest - E
  reduced by 20-44%. If your Health is below 50% when Esnhal Hardwood  
  that ally takes damage, Life Barrier ends.  Lornar's Pass - Quickroot  
(Prophecies) (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Life Bond Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Enchantment,    
-1, 10e, 2c whenever target other ally takes damage from an attack, Beetletun T
  half the damage is redirected to you.  The damage you Seitung Harbor  
(Core) receive this way is reduced by 3-25. (Attr: Protection) Gate of Torment  
  Life Sheath Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 20 seconds, the next Boreas Seabed (M) -  
5e, 1c, 7r 30-126 damage target ally would take is negated. Seaguard Gita E
(Factions) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Sunjiang District - Monks Construct  
  Light of Deliverance Elite Spell.  All party members under 80% Health are Marga Coast / Moddock Crevice  
5e, 1c, 5r healed for 5-65 Health. Chidehkir, Light of the Blind E
(Nightfall) (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kenmack the Tranquil  
  Light of Dwayna Spell.  Resurrect all dead party members in the area.    
25e, 4c, 20r They are returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy. Marhan's Grotto T
(Prophecies) (No Attribute)    
  Live Vicariously Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Old Ascalon (Q)  
-1, 5e, 2c Enchantment, whenever target ally hits a foe, you gain "In Memory of Paulus" Q
(Prophecies) 2-14 Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Yak's Bend (T)  
  Mark of Protection Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, whenever Frozen Forest  
10e, 1c, 45r target ally would take damage, that ally is healed for that Ice Caves Sorrow  
  amount instead, maximum 6-49.  All your Protection Iron Mines E
(Prophecies) Prayers are disabled for 5 seconds. (Attr: Protection) Thunderhead Keep  
  Martyr Elite Spell.  Transfer all Conditions and their remaining Perdition Rock (Prophecies)  
5e, 1c, 10r durations from your party members to you. Shenzun Tunnels (Factions) E
(Core) (No Attribute) GardenSeborhin/Shatter.Ravine  
  Mend Ailment Spell. Remove one Condition (Poison, Disease, Blindness Nebo Terrace (Q)  
5e, 3/4c, 5r Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, or Deep Shing Jea Monastery (Q) Q
  Wound) from target ally. For each remaining Condition, that Churrhir Fields (Q)  
(Core) ally is healed for 5-57 Health.  (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Mend Condition Spell. Remove one Condition (Poison, Disease, Blindness Seeker's Passage (Q)  
5e, 3/4c, 2r Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, or Deep "A Belated Betrothal" Q
  Wound) from target other ally. If a Condition is removed, that Droknar's Forge (T)  
(Prophecies) ally is healed for 5-57 Health.  (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Mending Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Old Ascalon (Q) Q
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, target ally gains +1-3 Health regeneration. Shing Jea Monastery (T)  
(Core) (Attr: Healing Prayers) Yohlon Haven (T)-Kamadan (H) H
  Mending Touch Spell.  Touched ally loses two Conditions and is healed    
5e, 3/4c, 4r for 15-51 Health for each Condition removed in this way. Gate of Torment T
(Nightfall) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Gate of Torment (H) H
  Orison of Healing Spell.  Heal target ally for 20-60 Health. PreSearing & Old Ascalon (Q) Q
5e, 1c, 2r (Attr: Healing Prayers) Monastery Over. / Shing Jea (Q)  
(Core)   Island of Shehkah (Starter)  
  Pacifism Hex Spell.  For 8-18 seconds, target foe cannot attack. Yak's Bend (Q)  
10e, 2c, 30r This effect ends if the target takes damage.  "The Wayward Monk" Q
(Prophecies) (Attr:  Protection Prayers) Lions Arch (T)  
  Peace and Harmony Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 30-78 seconds, target    
5e, 1c, 10r ally gains +1 Energy regeneration. Peace and Harmony Snake Dance - E
  ends if that ally casts a Spell that targets a foe, or if that Marnta Doomspeaker  
(Prophecies) ally deals damage to a foe.  (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Pensive Guardian Enchantment Spell.  For 5-10 seconds, target ally has a    
5e, 1c, 5r 50% chance to block attacks from Enchanted foes. Kamadan T
(Nightfall) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Sunspear Great Hall (H) H
  Protective Bond Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this    
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, target ally cannot lose more than 5% max Maguuma Stade T
  Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell. When Amnoon Oasis  
  Protective Bond prevents damage, you lose 6-4 Energy or    
(Prophecies) the Spell ends.  (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Protective Spirit Enchantment Spell.  For 5-19 seconds, target ally Ettin's Back (Q) Q
10e, 1/4c, 5r cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage Seitung Harbor (T)  
(Core) from a single attack or Spell.  (Attr:  Protection Prayers) Kamadan (T)  
  Purge Conditions Spell. Remove all Conditions (Poison, Disease, Blindness Old Ascalon (Q) Q
5e, 1/4c, 20r Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, and Deep Ran Musu Gardens (T)  
(Core) Wound) from target ally.  (No Attribute) Yohlon Haven (T) - Kodash Bazaar H
  Purge Signet Signet. Remove all Hexes and Conditions from target ally. Fisherman's Haven  
2c, 20r You lose 10 Energy for each Hex and each Condition Kaineng Center T
(Core) removed.  (No Attribute) Kodash Bazaar (T) - Gate Torment H
  Ray of Judgment Elite Spell.  All your skills except Smiting Prayers are Undercity / Vizunah Sq. (M) -  
15e, 1c, 30r disabled for 10 seconds. Target foe and adjacent foes Afflicted Miju  
  take 30-90 holy damage. Animated undead struck by Dragon's Throat - Afflicted Cho E
  Ray of Judgment are set on fire for 3-8 seconds. Unwaking Waters (M) -  
(Factions) (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Afflicted Jingme  
  Rebirth Spell.  Resurrect target party member. Target party Ettin's Back (Q) -  
10e, 5c member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero "Dropping Eaves" Q
  Energy, and is teleported to your current location. All of Kaineng Center (T)  
  target's skills are disabled for 10-4 seconds. This Spell Kodash Bazaar (T)  
(Core) consumes all of your remaining Energy.  (Attr: Protection) Chantry of Secrets (H) H
  Release Enchantments Spell.  Lose all Enchantments. Each party member is   T
5e, 1c, 5r healed for 5-29 Health for each Monk Enchantment lost. Kaineng Center  
(Factions) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Remove Hex Spell.  Remove a Hex from target ally. Yak's Bend (Q)  
5e, 2c, 7r (No Attribute) Shing Jea Monastery (Q) Q
(Core)   Churrhir Fields (Q)  
  Renew Life Spell.  Resurrect target touched dead target party member    
15e, 6c, 5r with 50% Health and 5-17% Energy. That party member and Mouth of Torment T
(Nightfall) all allies within earshot are healed for 55-115 Health. (Heal) Lair of the Forgotten (H) H
  Restful Breeze Enchantment Spell.  For 5-11 seconds, target ally has    
5e, 1c, 8r +10 Health regeneration. This Enchantment ends if that Yohlon Haven T
(Nightfall) ally attacks or uses a Skill.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Kodash Bazaar (H) H
  Restore Condition Elite Spell.  Remove all Conditions (Poison, Disease,    
5e, 3/4c, 2r Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, Abaddon's Mouth - E
  and Deep Wound) from target other ally. For each Condition Spindle Agonyvein  
(Prophecies) removed, that ally is healed for 10-58 Health. (Attr: Protection)    
  Restore Life Spell.  Touch the body of a fallen party member. Target    
10e, 6c, 8r party member is returned to life with 20-56% Health and Grendich Courthouse T
(Prophecies) 42-80% Energy. (Attr: Healing Prayers) Yak's Bend  
  Resurrect Spell.  Resurrect target party member. Target party Old Ascalon (Q)  
10e, 5c, 8r member is returned to life with 25% Health & zero Energy. Kinya Province (Q) Q
(Core) (No Attribute) Churrhir Fields (Q)  
  Resurrection Chant Spell.  Resurrect target party member with up to your   T
10e, 6c, 15r current Health and 5-29% Energy. This spell has half the Kaineng Center  
(Factions) normal range.  (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Retribution Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this PreSearing (Q)  
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage, Kinya Province (Q) Q
  this Spell deals 33% of the damage back to the source Kamadan (T)  
(Core) (maximum 5-17 damage).  (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Kamadan (H) H
  Reversal of Damage Enchantment Spell.  For 8 seconds, the next time target    
5e, 1/4c, 8r ally would take damage, the foe dealing the damage takes Kamadan T
(Nightfall) that damage instead (maximum 5-61).  (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Kamadan (H) H
  Reversal of Fortune Enchantment Spell.  For 8 seconds, the next time target PreSearing (Q)  
5e, 1/4c, 2r ally would take damage, that ally gains that amount of Sunqua Vale (Q) Q
(Core) Health instead, maximum 15-67.  (Attr: Protection Prayers) Churrhir Fields (Q)  
  Reverse Hex Enchantment Spell.  Remove one Hex from target ally.   T
10e, 2c, 7r For 5-9 seconds, the next time target ally would take Kaineng Center  
  damage, inflicted injury is reduced by 5-41.    
(Factions) (Attr: Protection Prayers)    
  Scourge Enchantment Hex Spell.  For 30 seconds, each time target foe is the    
10e, 2c, 5r target of an Enchantment, the caster of that Enchantment Yohlon Haven T
(Nightfall) takes 15-63 damage.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Kodash Bazaar (H) H
  Scourge Healing Hex Spell.  For 30 seconds, every time target foe is Fisherman's Haven (Q) Q
10e, 2c, 5r healed, the healer takes 15-67 holy damage. (Factions ?)  
(Core) (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Gate of Torment (T)  
  Scourge Sacrifice Hex Spell.  For 8-18 seconds, every time target foe and    
10e, 1c, 5r adjacent foes sacrifice life, they sacrifice twice the normal Copperhammer Mines T
(Prophecies) amount.  (Attr:  Smiting Prayers)    
  Scribe's Insight Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 10-30 seconds, you gain 3 Crystal Overlook -  
5e, 1/4c, 20r Energy whenever you use a Signet. Ajamahn, Servant of Sands E
(Nightfall) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Shield Guardian Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, target ally has a   T
10e, 1c, 1r 75% chance to block incoming attacks. The next time Kaineng Center  
  target ally blocks an attack, that ally and all nearby allies    
(Factions) are healed for 16-67 and Shield Guardian ends (Protection)    
  Shield of Absorption Enchantment Spell.  For 3-6 seconds, damage received   T
5e, 1c, 10r by target ally is reduced by 5 each time that ally is hit while Kamadan  
(Nightfall) under the effects of this Enchantment.  (Attr: Protection)    
  Shield of Deflection Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 1-6 seconds, target ally has    
10e, 1/4c, 5r a 75% chance to block attacks and gains 15-27 armor. Ring of Fire - E
(Prophecies) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Grun Galesurge  
  Shield of Judgment Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 8-18 seconds, anyone    
15e, 1c, 45r striking target ally with an attack is knocked down and Mineral Springs - E
(Prophecies) suffers 5-41 damage.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Myd Springclaw  
  Shield of Regeneration Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 5-11 seconds, target ally Dragon's Lair (Prophecies)  
15e, 1/4c, 5r gains +3-9 Health regeneration and 40 armor. Altrumm/Arborstone (Factions) E
(Core) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Holdings of Chokhin (Nightfall)  
  Shielding Hands Enchantment Spell.  For 8 seconds, damage received PreSearing (Q)  
5e, 1/4c, 15r by target ally is reduced by 3-15. Shing Jea Monastery (Q) Q
(Core) (Attr:  Protection Prayers) Yohlon Haven (T) - Command Post H
  Signet of Devotion Signet.  Heal target ally for 14-83 points. Capt. Greywind - North Kryta  
2c,  5r (Attr: Divine Favor) Kaineng Center T
(Core)   YohlonHaven(T)-SunspearGreatHal H
  Signet of Judgment Elite Signet.  Target foe is knocked down. That foe and IceFloe/IronMines/Snake/Talus  
1c, 20r all adjacent foes take 15-63 holy damage. NahpuiQuarter/Silent Surf (2)  
(Core) (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) RupturedHeart/Nightfallen J. (3) E
  Signet of Mystic Wrath Signet.  Target foe takes 5-29 holy damage for each    
2c, 20r Enchantment on you (maximum 100 holy damage). Kodash Bazaar T
(Nightfall) (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Lair of the Forgotten (H) H
  Signet of Rage Signet.  Target foe takes 10-34 holy damage and + 5-10   T
2c, 20r holy damage for each adrenaline skill that foe has. Kaineng Center  
(Factions) (Attr: Smiting Prayers)    
  Signet of Rejuvenation Signet.  Heal target ally for 5-49. If target ally is casting   T
1c, 8r a spell or attacking, that ally is healed for an additional Kaineng Center  
(Factions) 15-63 Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Signet of Removal Elite Signet.  If target ally is under the effects of an Floodplain of Mahnkelon -  
1c, 5r Enchantment, that ally loses one Hex and one Condition. Commander Noss E
(Nightfall) (No Attribute)    
  Smite Spell.  This attack deals 10-46 Holy damage. If attacking, Eastern Frontier (Q) -  
10e, 1c, 10r your target takes an additional 10-30 Holy damage. "Caravan in Trouble" Q
(Prophecies) (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) Yak's Bend (T)  
  Smite Hex Spell.  Remove a Hex from target ally. If a Hex is Druid's Overlook (Q) Q
5e, 1c, 15r removed, foes in the area suffer 10-70 damage. Kaineng Center (T)  
(Core) (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) Gate of Torment (T) & (H) H
  Spear of Light Spell.  Spear of Light flies toward target foe and deals   T
5e, 1c, 15r 26-50 holy damage if it hits. Spear of Light deals + 15-51 Kaineng Center  
(Factions) damage if it hits an attacking foe.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers)    
  Spell Breaker Elite Enchantment Spell.  For 5-15 seconds, enemy Snake Dance (Prophecies)  
15e, 1c, 45r Spells targeted against target ally fail. Raisu Palace (Factions) E
(Core) (Attr: Divine Favor) Depths of Madness (Nightfall)  
  Spell Shield Enchantment Spell.  For 5-17 seconds, while you are   T
10e, 2c, 30r casting spells, you cannot be the target of spells. When Kaineng Center  
(Factions) Spell Shield ends, all your skills are disabled for 10-6    
  seconds.  (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Spirit Bond Enchantment Spell.  For 8 seconds, whenever target ally   T
10e, 1/4c, 2r takes more than 60 damage from the next 10 attacks or Kaineng Center  
(Factions) Spells, that ally is healed for 40-88 Health.  (Attr: Protection)    
  Stonesoul Strike Skill.  Touched target foe takes 10-46 holy damage. If   T
5e, 3/4c, 8r knocked down, your target takes an additional 10-46 holy Kaineng Center  
(Factions) damage.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers)    
  Strength of Honor Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Serenity Temple (Q) Q
-1, 10e, 2c Enchantment, target ally deals 1-8 more damage in melee. Ran Musu Gardens (T)  
(Core) (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) Yohlon Haven (T) - Command Post H
  Succor Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this    
-1, 5e, 1c, 10r Enchantment, target other ally gains +1 Health and Ice Tooth Cave T
(Prophecies) +1 Energy regeneration, but you lose 1 Energy each time Lions Arch  
  that ally casts a Spell.  (No Attribute)    
  Supportive Spirit Enchantment Spell.  For 5-19 seconds, whenever target    
10e, 3/4c, 8r ally takes damage while knocked down, that ally is healed Kamadan T
(Nightfall) for 5-29 Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Sunspear Great Hall (H) H
  Symbol of Wrath Spell.  For 5 seconds, foes adjacent to the location in PreSearing (Q)  
5e, 2c, 30r which the spell was cast take 8-27 holy damage each "Blessings of Balthazar" Q
(Prophecies) second.  (Attr:  Smiting Prayers) Ascalon City (T)  
  Unyielding Aura Elite Enchantment Spell. Bring target dead party member    
-1, 5e, 3c, 15r back to life at full Health and full Energy.  If you stop SpearheadPeak & TalusChute:  
  maintaining this Enchantment or if this Enchantment is Kaia Wupwup E
  removed, that party member dies and leaves an exploited Witman's Folly -  
  corpse. Deaths while enchanted with Unyielding Aura do not Ipillo Wupwup  
  incur a death penalty. (50% failure chance with Divine Favor    
(Prophecies) 4 or less.  (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Vengeance Enchantment Spell.  Bring target dead party member    
10e, 4c, 60r back to life at full Health and full Energy. After 30 seconds, Destiny's Gorge (Q) Q
  that party member deals 15% more damage. When this "The Forgotten Ones"  
  Enchantment ends, target party member dies. Deaths while Droknar's Forge (T)  
  under the effects of this Enchantment do not incur a death    
(Prophecies) penalty.  (No Attribute)    
  Vigorous Spirit Enchantment Spell.  For 30 seconds, each time target Yak's Bend (Q) -  
5e, 1c, 4r ally attacks or casts a Spell, that ally is healed for 5-17 "The Wayward Monk" Q
(Prophecies) Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) Lions Arch (T)  
  Vital Blessing Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Old Ascalon (Q) -  
-1, 10e, 3/4c, 2r Enchantment, target ally has +40-168 maximum Health. "Protecting Ascalon" Q
(Prophecies) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Yak's Bend (T)  
  Watchful Healing Enchantment Spell.  For 10 seconds, target ally gains    
5e, 1c, 10r +1-3 Health regeneration. If this Skill ends prematurely, Kamadan T
(Nightfall) that aly gains 30-102 Health.  (Attr: Divine Favor) Kamadan (H) H
  Watchful Spirit Enchantment Spell.  While you maintain this Enchantment,    
-1, 15e, 1c, 5r target ally gains +2 Health regeneration. That ally is Maguuma Stade T
  healed for 30-150 Health when Watchful Spirit ends. Amnoon Oasis  
(Prophecies) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Withdraw Hexes Elite Spell.  Remove all Hexes from target ally and all    
15e, 1c, 5r adjacent allies. This Spell takes an additional 20-8 Mount Qinkai - E
  seconds to recharge for each Hex removed in this way. Hukhrah Earthslove  
(Factions) (Attr: Divine Favor)    
  Word of Censure Elite Spell.  Target foe takes 15-63 holy damage. If your Wajjun Bazaar -  
10e, 1c, 2r target was below 33% Health, Word of Censure takes 20 Shen, the Magistrate E
(Factions) additional seconds to recharge.  (Attr: Smiting Prayers) Quufu (Quest)  
  Word of Healing Elite Spell.  Heal target other ally for 15-83 Health. Heal Dunes Despair/Elona/Thirsty  
5e, 3/4c, 4r for an additional 15-83 Health if that ally is below 50% Xaquang Skyway (Factions) E
(Core) Health.  (Attr: Healing Prayers) (Unknown right now - Nightfall)  
  Words of Comfort Spell.  Target ally is healed for 15-51 Health and an   T
5e, 1c, 4r additional 15-39 Health if that ally is suffering from a Kamadan  
(Nightfall) Condition.  (Attr: Healing Prayers)    
  Zealot's Fire Enchantment Spell.  For 60 seconds, whenever you use Augury Rock (Q)  
10e, 1/4c, 30r a skill that targets an ally, all foes adjacent to that target Shing Jea Monastery (Q) Q
(Core) are struck for 5-29 fire damage and you lose 1 Energy. (Smite) Gate of Torment (T) & (H) H
  Zealous Benediction Elite Spell.  Heal target ally for 30-150 Health. If target was Kodonur Crossroads  
10e, 3/4c, 4r below 50% Health, you gain 10 Energy. Forum Highlands - E
(Nightfall) (Attr: Protection Prayers) Overseer Sadi-Belai  
For Printable Copies use the Excel version, not this webpage one
Sheet 1 is listed by Attribute, Sheet 2 is Alphabetical